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Hnry & The Screen Guild

We’ve teamed up with The Screen Guild to bring creative freelancers automated tax payments and filings!

Hnry for freelance creatives

We automatically pay and file taxes, provide a service for admin management, and become your accountant. In short – we get it done, so sole traders never have to think about tax again.
Taxes calculated and paid automatically
Tax payments
All your taxes (income tax, GST, ACC) automatically calculated and paid as you go.
All your returns lodged by expert accountants
Tax returns filed
As part of the service, our accountants will file all of your returns whenever they’re due.
Raise expenses
Raise expenses easily - our team of accountants will manage them to get you the right tax relief.

How Hnry works

  1. Join Hnry, and have all of your self-employed income paid into your new Hnry Account
  2. Whenever you get paid, we will calculate, deduct and pay all your taxes straight away - before passing what’s yours on to you immediately. That money is yours to keep!
  3. We’ll also lodge all your returns (income tax and GST) for free whenever they’re due.

How Much Does Hnry Cost?

We charge a 1% +GST fee on income paid into your Hnry Account.You get full access to the Hnry service – with no joining fees or subscription costs. Best of all you only pay when you’re earning! Here’s how our pricing works:

  • You pay just $1+ GST from every $100 in self-employed income you earn
  • You only pay fees when your client pays into your Hnry Account
  • The Hnry’s 1% fee is capped at a maximum of $1,500 per year
  • We automatically claim your Hnry fees for you as a business expense!
We won’t charge you by the hour to manage your expense receipts or file your tax returns - so you’re always paying a fair price.