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Partner with us

We’ll give your contractors and sole traders complete peace of mind on their taxes.

We work with all types of partners

It doesn't matter if you're a marketplace, community, network, healthcare provider, or a recruiter - if you work with contractors or sole traders, we can help.
We get taxes done for sole traders - without any hassle - so they can focus on their work and never think about tax again.

Referral partnerships

Connect your audience with Hnry.

  • Share and recommend Hnry with your network and community to save them time, money, and stress.
  • From affiliate partnerships to recruiter connections, we work across a wide range of industries to engage your people with Hnry.
  • Our partnerships team will work with you to develop a tailored plan to share with your network.
Want to learn more about partnering with us? Book in a chat.


Connect with Hnry through your product.

  • Our API is designed to be open and easy to access – bringing value to you and your customers.
  • From becoming an allocations partner to specifically connecting your service with ours, we can integrate with a range of needs in mind.
  • Our partnerships team will work across our product team and yours, to make sure you’re getting the benefits of Hnry you need.
Want to learn more about integrating with us? Book in a chat.

Connect with Hnry for support.

  • We're passionate about supporting communities of sole traders and the people who help build them.
  • From engaging online networks to backing events and conferences, we aim to help however we can.
  • Our partnerships team will work with you to support you in the best way possible.
Want to learn more about integrating with us? Book in a chat.

Current partners

Why Hnry?

We’re the all-in-one digital accountant and tax automation tool - just for sole traders! Hnry automatically pays and files taxes for sole traders, provides an app to easily manage financial admin, and becomes their accountant. In short – we get it done, so sole traders never have to think about tax again. We’re Australasia’s fastest growing accounting service, saving tens of thousands of customers time, money, and stress.

Our awards