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A Breakthrough for Contractors

For self-employed contractors, tax & accounting tools haven't improved for years.

Until now.

Contractors and freelancers have always been on the hook for their own tax and financial admin.

Here’s a brief history of how the self-employed workforce has dealt with this burden.


In the beginning…it was all about getting an accountant.

Accountants have been around for ages.

For contractors in the 1980’s and 1990’s, getting one was a great way of relieving some of the burden of tax & financial admin.

The accountant examined all their expense receipts at the end of the financial year, filed their income tax and GST returns, and let them know how much they needed to pay to the government (hoping that they’d put enough aside to pay the bills!).

Contractors still needed to manage their own invoicing, payments, ACC and other admin such as getting professional insurance - but at least part of the overall burden had been taken care of.


Then the accountants started pushing new accounting software.

Around 20 years ago, a wave of accounting software came into the market.

Accountants and bookkeepers everywhere flocked to sell their clients the latest software from their chosen provider. Software providers paid the accountants millions of dollars every year to push their software - eventually the whole accounting industry was throwing lavish conferences where they all congratulated each other on how much money they were making.

Unfortunately, none of this actually benefited the contractors themselves. 

It turned out that the complex and unnecessary software was great at saving time for the accountant, but terrible at saving time for the contractor.

Contractors were paying additional software fees for something that left them with even more admin work.


For contractors, the costs were immense.

The problem was that contractors were still on the hook for reconciling transactions, logging expenses online, running reports, raising complex invoices, and much more. In fact, most contractors found that using accounting software actually meant they lost more time than ever before.

Between the cost of an accountant, the cost of the software, and the cost of all those hours spent fiddling with reports and making payments, contractors were being hit hardest in their pocket.

This was most apparent when contractors weren’t working for a period of time. They’d still be required to pay for all these services and carry out their repetitive admin - even when they weren’t earning!


Then, in 2017, Hnry emerged.

Luckily, today’s self-employed workforce has access to comprehensive services like Hnry - services designed specifically for contractors and freelancers.

Hnry is an expert team of tax experts and accountants backed by a revolutionary app that automates tax payments, filings, and so much more!

Hnry does more than an accountant will do, more than accounting software can do - all while requiring little or no admin work from its customers.


Hnry does more than accountants or accounting software.

Accountants are often limited in what they do for contractors. Most accountants will only:

  • Manage your expenses,
  • File your income tax and GST returns, and
  • Tell you how much to pay. 

…which leaves a lot of admin work for the contractor to do by themselves.

But Hnry does so much more . With Hnry, contractors can be assured that all of their tax & other financial obligations are taken care of.

Here’s what Hnry will do for you:

  • Make all of your tax payments
  • Chase overdue invoices
  • Deal with ACC
  • Arrange professional insurances
  • Provide online payment facilities
  • Help you set financial plans
  • Provide unlimited expert support at no extra cost


Hnry requires less from you.

As a comprehensive service, Hnry actually makes things easier for contractors and freelancers. Most of the Hnry service is automated, which means using Hnry significantly reduces the admin burden and the costs of earning independent income. And because it’s a pay-as-you-go service, you only pay whilst you’re earning. It’s about keeping things affordable and fair for everyone.

Once you sign up for Hnry, you are set free from their financial admin. You no longer have to think about tax pain and can focus on doing what you love.

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