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A New Year's Resolution for Contractors

A game-changing resolution to kick off the new financial year.

The start of a new financial year is traditionally a time when many contractors and freelancers look ahead to the future. Most use it as an opportunity to make plans around career goals, savings goals or goals related to growing their business and income.


Finding more time

The one goal that tends to be shared by the majority of contractors and freelancers however, is this:

I want to have more time to do the things I want to do, and spend less time on the things I don’t

It’s a simple goal, but one that in the past has proven very difficult for people to achieve.

Part of the problem is that it can be tough to change our own behaviour. If you’ve always done something a certain way, it can be tough to get the motivation to change - even if we know we really need to.

This is why we end up with ‘bad habits’ - the things we keep doing that we know aren’t good for us, but we can’t motivate ourselves to stop.


Bad (financial admin) habits

As an example, let’s look at the huge amount of tax & financial admin that contractors and freelancers have to deal with. This admin:

  • Is not enjoyable. For many, it is a massive, massive pain.
  • Takes up a huge amount of time.
  • Prevents contractors and freelancers from doing the things they actually enjoy.

Some contractors and freelancers have an accountant to take care of some of this burden; however, most contractors and freelancers are still in the habit of doing most of their financial admin work by themselves

The list of things self-employed workers take on for themselves (when they shouldn’t have to) is extensive. Things like:

  • Reconciling transactions in accounting software
  • Creating and chasing invoices
  • Uploading expense receipts
  • Making tax payments
  • Shuffling money around bank accounts
  • Arranging professional insurance
  • Dealing with ACC


The actual cost of these bad habits

The consequence of this work is that contractors and freelancers have much less time to spend on the things they actually want to do.

The cumulative cost of these burdens is enormous.

This is a big reason why many contractors and freelancers are unable to achieve their goals.

Yet changing this habit is much easier than you might think.


Services for the self-employed are better than ever before

Emerging right now are revolutionary services like Hnry. Hnry is a comprehensive tax & financial service designed specifically for contractors and freelancers, which means they can take care of all your financial admin for you, freeing you from the burden of all those tasks you’d rather not have to do.

Using Hnry saves you time, money and hassle, and helps you achieve your goals.

Whether you’re currently using a traditional accountant, or you’re tackling everything solo, upgrading your current tax & accounting setup to Hnry is simple and painless - it takes less than 2 minutes, and there’s never a better time to upgrade than the start of a new financial year.

If you’re ready to break bad habits and get your new financial year started right, speak to the team at Hnry and see how easy it is to upgrade.

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